Department of Health

Undergraduate student employment programs

Find out about employment while you study to be a nurse or midwife.

If you are an undergraduate student of nursing or midwifery you can be employed while you study. This employment arrangement is known as a Registered Undergraduate Student of Nursing (RUSON) or a Registered Undergraduate Student of Midwifery (RUSOM).

The scope of practice for RUSONs and RUSOMs grew during the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19), with these roles now well-recognised in Victorian public health services.

The Nurses and Midwives (Victorian Public Sector) (Single Interest Employers) Enterprise Agreement 2020–2024 (the Agreement) governs RUSON and RUSOM model implementation and employment conditions.

Registered Undergraduate Student of Nursing (RUSON)

A RUSON is currently enrolled at a university studying undergraduate nursing and is employed by a health service.

They also have:

  • registered as a student nurse with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (Ahpra)
  • successfully completed not less than 12 months of the Bachelor of Nursing degree.

What the role involves

A RUSON works in acute or subacute care and aged care settings as part of the healthcare team, helping nurses to provide patient care.

RUSONs are supervised by registered nursing staff, and may help with a range of activities such as:

  • a patient's daily living activities (for example, personal hygiene and mobility)
  • keeping the ward organised and safe
  • basic administration.

For more information about the role, see the following RUSON position description examples:

Registered Undergraduate Student of Midwifery (RUSOM)

A RUSOM is employed by a health service to assist registered midwives to provide patient care.

They are also:

  • registered as a student with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (Ahpra)
  • currently studying either a Bachelor of Midwifery or Bachelor of Nursing/Bachelor of Midwifery degree.

What the role involves

RUSOMs are supervised by a registered midwife. See the following position description examples for more information about what the role may involve:

Reviewed 24 July 2024


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