Department of Health

Public sector residential aged care services

Key messages

  • The Victorian Government contributes funding and support for public sector residential aged care services (PSRACS).
  • PSRACS are located across Victoria, with most services located in rural and regional communities.
  • PSRACS provide access to services for older people with more complex care needs, as well as specialist aged persons’ mental health residential services.

The Victorian Government contributes funding and support for public sector residential aged care services (PSRACS).

There are 171 PSRACS throughout the State, making the Victorian Government the largest public provider of residential aged care in Australia. Most services are operated by public health services, in rural and regional Victoria. This helps older people to access residential aged care within their local community.

PSRACS have an important role in providing care to older people with more complex, specialised care needs. Victoria is the only provider of aged persons’ mental health services that specialise in caring for older people with a mental illness and/or persistent cognitive, emotional or behavioural issues.

The Department contributes funding for PSRACS to support:

  • the viability of small rural services
  • residents with specialised care needs
  • a skilled and qualified nursing workforce.

The Victorian health policy and funding guidelines explains the departments’ process and unit-priced funding approach for PSRACS.

A service planning and development framework has also been developed to help PSRACS to develop services that meet the needs and expectations of their local communities.

Reviewed 12 July 2024


Contact details

PSRACS Operations and Performance Team Department of Health

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