The final report of the Royal Commission into Victoria's Mental Health System was tabled in a special sitting of the Victorian Parliament on 2 March 2021.
The landmark final report outlines changes to create a future mental health and wellbeing system that provides holistic treatment, care and support for all Victorians.
Royal Commission into Victoria's Mental Health System's Final .
You can read about some key achievements in mental health reform from the last 12 months at Marking one year of Victoria's mental health and wellbeing reform journey.
Mental health and wellbeing engagement
Rebuilding Victoria's mental health and wellbeing system is a collective effort, and we are engaging across the sector as we implement the Royal Commission's recommendations – including with services, not-for-profit organisations, the workforce and – vitally – people with lived and living experience of the mental health and wellbeing system.
Find out more about opportunities to contribute to the reforms.
Reform activity updates
The Royal Commission has outlined immediate priorities and a series of key dates for delivery of the recommendations.
A number of the recommendations seek to reform the foundations of the mental health system, and focus on new governance and accountability structures, the leadership of people with lived experience, and a supported workforce. Others focus on ensuring ongoing excellence in the system, including investment in research, digital technologies and innovation.
Collectively, implementation of the reforms will create a responsive and integrated system that is contemporary and adaptable. In the future, Victorians will be able to access compassionate services that meet their preferences, strengths and needs.
Priority areas
We are implementing the recommendations from the Royal Commission, creating the capacity and focus needed for change. Our role is to build the confidence and commitment needed to deliver an ambitious vision for the mental health system.
Reviewed 05 June 2024