Department of Health

Key messages

  • Queensland Oncology On-Line-Victoria (QOOL-Vic) has been developed to support cancer multidisciplinary teams by assisting meeting preparation, communication, and documentation of essential clinical information such as diagnosis, cancer staging and recommended treatment plans.
  • QOOL-Vic provides continuity of care and state-wide multidisciplinary team linkage and provides access to clinical outcomes and system performance data for quality improvement. The system provides a central view of patient data for multiple users, accessible at multiple locations. Multidisciplinary Meeting (MDM) teams can use QOOL-Vic to discuss patients and access that patient’s full MDM history; especially if they have previously been referred to another multidisciplinary team (MDT) that utilises QOOL-Vic.
  • QOOL-Vic supports automated patient demographic information, pathology results, and communication to clinical stakeholders that improves meeting efficiency and quality of the data presented to clinicians.

QOOL-Vic is currently available to Victorian health services that conduct cancer multidisciplinary team meetings and provide treatment to referred patients.

Health services are welcome to contact the Department of Health for a demonstration of QOOL-Vic.

About the QOOL-Vic software

What is QOOL-Vic?

QOOL-Vic is the only Department of Health endorsed state-wide meeting software, it has been developed to support multidisciplinary teams by assisting meeting preparation, communication and documentation of essential clinical information such as diagnosis, cancer stage and recommend treatment plans.

QOOL-Vic provides continuity of care, state-wide multidisciplinary team linkage, and provides access to clinical outcomes and system performance data for quality improvement. The system provides a central view of patient data for multiple users, accessible at multiple locations.

Once a health service has implemented QOOL-Vic, any staff member will be able to create an account and access QOOL-Vic.

'QOOL has positively impacted MDMs in Queensland. QOOL provides a rich source of clinically relevant information about the patient for good multidisciplinary case conferencing and high quality decision making and supports access to expert specialist input in decisions about the patient’s care which are recorded. Even when the patient may be attending a regional location for treatment their case can be presented to a meeting with specialty tumour stream expertise in a metropolitan facility and the information is available locally as all sites using QOOL can share patients with other QOOL sites. The data collected has been driven by MDT clinicians and enables local reporting and comparison of clinical decision making to other teams in the state and published standards where available. QOOL has become a significant enabler in the care of Queensland cancer patients.'

A/Prof Euan Walpole
Medical Director, Division of Cancer Services, PAH
Cancer Stream Leader, Metro South Health, Queensland Health

‘QOOL-Vic allows users to be able to capture important clinical information about patients which can be used not just for MDT presentations, but also important for audits/clinical research’.

St. Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne

Frequently asked questions

  • QOOL-Vic is available for both public and private health services to use as their MDM management software. Health services can gain access to the QOOL-Vic software by entering into a sub-licensing arrangement with the Victorian Department of Health. The sub-license deed covers the roles and responsibilities of all parties.

    Health services are welcome to contact the Department of Health via our email address,, with any queries they have regarding QOOL-Vic and for a demonstration of QOOL-Vic functionalities and abilities.

  • As a secure web-based software product, QOOL-Vic requires no local installation. All you need is a web browser and an internet connection.

    Once a user registers a QOOL-Vic account, they will be able to access patient and meeting data, anywhere and anytime.

    The Department of Health will provide support during and after the implementation of QOOL-Vic. This support includes liaising with the MDM team on how to best transition from their legacy software to QOOL-Vic, training superusers on how to customise the software to suit health service needs, answering any queries that may arise, and more.

  • QOOL-Vic is provided by the Department of Health fee-free to public health services.

    There is a fee associated with private health services using of QOOL-Vic. This fee is based on the private health service’s number of MDMs.

  • QOOL-Vic has integrated with existing health information systems including the Victorian Cancer Registry’s E-Path software and the Victorian Unique Patient Identifier project, that automatically upload pathology reports into QOOL-Vic and patient demographic information, respectively.

    QOOL-Vic is structured in a way that interfacing with other systems is possible, however this work would need to be scoped and costed by the developers, Queensland Cancer Alliance. Associated costs need to be covered by the health service.

  • QOOL-Vic leverages off the existing infrastructure used by pathology labs to report cancer notifications to the Victorian Cancer Registry, E-Path systemExternal Link . The E-Path system currently covers approximately 97% of cancer notifications.

  • Yes, QOOL-Vic does meet VINAH reporting requirements for MDMs.

  • Users can contact their MDM coordinators for any queries relating to registering and operating the software for MDMs.

    For any queries relating to training and data collection, users can contact the Department of Health via

  • As of November 2023, there are 57 MDTs across 10 public and private sites in Victoria who are using QOOL-Vic as their MDM software.

  • You can contact the QOOL-Vic team via email for more information.

For a complete list of Q&As please see the document below.

Reviewed 13 August 2024


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