Department of Health

Recommendation 52

Improving the quality and safety of mental health and wellbeing services

What the Royal Commission said

The Royal Commission recommended that:

  1. Safer Care Victoria (SCV)External Link create a mental health improvement unit by 1 January 2022.
  2. the new unit focuses on:
    • reducing restrictive interventions towards the goal of elimination in 10 years
    • reducing compulsory treatment
    • preventing gender-based violence
    • preventing suicides in mental healthcare settings.
  3. the Office of the Chief Mental Health Nurse moves from the Department of Health to SCV. It will continue work on key quality improvement priorities.

What are the opportunities?

SCV is Victoria's healthcare quality and safety specialist. It is well placed to work with mental health and wellbeing services to ensure care is safe, connected, appropriate and effective.

Starting in January 2022, SCV's mental health improvement program will work across the mental health and wellbeing system to:

  • establish annual improvement goals and promote a culture of learning
  • issue practice guidelines and frameworks
  • co-design statewide improvement programs with consumers, carers and the mental health clinical/practice workforce.

SCV will work with the Department of Health, the Chief Psychiatrist, the Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission (once established), and other stakeholders to form a new quality and safety architecture for mental health and wellbeing service delivery in Victoria.

What are we doing?

SCV welcomed Victoria's Chief Mental Health Nurse and their team in July 2021.

SCV is also working with people in mental health and wellbeing services, consumers and carers to develop the mental health improvement program.

Reviewed 17 March 2022

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