Department of Health

Key messages

  • Understanding the patient experience across the pathway of care helps health services and health care professionals to improve ways in which care is delivered.

One of the ways which we collate information is capturing the patient experience via survey. A comprehensive survey tool was developed and piloted in 2013 and 2015. This survey tool was administered across Victoria in 2019 to inform the Victorian Cancer Plan 2020-2024.

Results by health service were released on the Victorian Healthcare Experience Survey portal and are available to registered portal users.

Patient reported outcomes, in addition to patient experience, was captured in a pilot utilising the cancer chemotherapy module in 2020. A report and results of this survey are available on VHES portal

A Cancer Patient Experience Survey Toolkit is available to health services. It includes survey tools by treatment type (surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy) and a user manual. A database is available to assist with data entry and analysis.

Reviewed 13 August 2024


Contact details

Statewide and Specialist Programs Department of Health

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