Department of Health

Key messages

  • The department works closely with local government, and professional and training organisations to help develop the environmental health officer profession.
  • The department produced the seminal Environmental health officer workforce review in 2005, which has help set the national environmental health workforce agenda.

The department works closely with local government, and professional and training organisations to help strengthen and deepen the environmental health officer (EHO) profession. The department also collaborates with the Environmental Health Standing Committee (enHealth), other states and territories, and the Australian Government on national workforce issues.

The department has helped manage the development of the enHealth Environmental Health Officer Skills and Knowledge Matrix and the companion document Using the enHealth Skills and Knowledge Matrix, see Environmental health officer qualifications.

The department also produced the seminal Environmental health officer workforce review in 2005.

The EHO review was done in partnership with EHOs and stakeholders. The review resulted in a nationally agreed nomenclature for the roles, responsibilities, skills and knowledge of EHOs. This has helped set the national environmental health workforce agenda.

Reviewed 05 July 2024


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