Department of Health

Realising the strategy: Virtual Care Strategy

The vision and directions in this strategy will support and guide the Victorian health sector to have a common understanding of virtual care.

The Department of Health, with Safer Care Victoria, will establish clinical governance and stewardship for the safe extension of virtual care. An expert panel will provide oversight and monitoring of virtual care, and advising where enhancements or reforms to models and the Strategy are indicated.

This panel will ensure alignment with agreed national standards, Victoria’s digital health roadmap and the Victorian Virtual Care Operational Framework.

Virtual care provision will increase and change in coming years. It is important that there are clear roles and responsibilities within the sector to ensure it is delivered equitably, safely, and sustainably.

This will assist Victorian health services to provide the best possible care, in the best possible location, using the best available approach. Bringing the best healthcare to consumers, wherever they are.

Reviewed 25 September 2023

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