Department of Health

Victorian Aboriginal sexual and reproductive health plan 2022–30

This plan is one of seven plans in the Victorian sexual and reproductive health and viral hepatitis strategy 2022–30.

This is Victoria’s first ever Aboriginal sexual and reproductive health plan. It confirms our commitment to Aboriginal self-determination and improving the sexual and reproductive health of Aboriginal Victorians.

Victoria's first Aboriginal sexual and reproductive health plan outlines priority actions to improve the sexual and reproductive health of Aboriginal Victorians using a self-determination approach. This means reducing systemic barriers faced by Aboriginal Victorians when accessing health services and addressing inequalities in rates of blood-borne viruses and sexually transmissible infections compared to non-Aboriginal Victorians.

Our vision

Eliminate Victorians are supported to achieve optimal sexual health and wellbeing and to reduce the transmission and impact of Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI).


Aboriginal Victorians are supported to access high-quality sexual and reproductive health and viral hepatitis services, that are inclusive, culturally sensitive and free from stigma, racism and discrimination.

  • Aboriginal Victorians are supported to maintain optimal sexual and reproductive health and reduce their risk of acquiring a Blood Born Virus (BBV) or STI.
  • Aboriginal Victorians living with a BBV or STI know their status.
  • Aboriginal Victorians have access to best-practice evidence-based sexual and reproductive health treatment and care.
  • The morbidity and mortality associated with STI among Aboriginal Victorians is minimised.

System enablers

  • reducing stigma, racism and discrimination
  • strengthening workforce capacity
  • rostering partnerships and collaboration
  • strengthening and supporting data and research.

Monitoring and measuring progress

  • we will develop an indicators and monitoring framework in collaboration with key research partners and affected communities
  • a mid-point review in 2025-26 will assess progress against achieving our 2025 and 2030 targets
  • findings will be used to refresh and refocus priority actions and activities in this plan.

Achievements since 2017

ILBIJERRI Theatre CompanyExternal Link creates innovative health promotion theatre productions by First Nations artists.

A new play and short film, Viral: Are you the cure?External Link was developed to focus on hepatitis C related stigma and discrimination as well as reduce barriers to treatment.

Two new performance works are being produced to address health and wellbeing issues around STI and menopause. The Score, focusing on STI, will tour with
a new community participatory approach. Goodbye Aunty FloExternal Link , focusing on menopause, is in development.

The Victorian Aboriginal Health Service’sExternal Link dedicated BBV and STI clinic has delivered culturally safe prevention, testing, treatment and care services
to thousands of Aboriginal Victorians.

The service supports referral pathways with engagement and links to monitoring, treatment and care through strong partnerships with specialist tertiary and statewide health services and community organisations.

The Hepatitis B at Risk Vaccination Program has been expanded to become free for all Aboriginal Victorians, improving the uptake of vaccinations.

2030 targets*

  • support Aboriginal Victorians to access culturally safe services
  • partner with Aboriginal Victorians to achieve better outcomes for viral hepatitis
  • support Aboriginal Victorians to achieve optimal sexual and reproductive health and wellbeing by partnering with local and statewide services.

* All targets are outlined in the plan


Date published
19 Mar 2023
39 pages

Reviewed 20 March 2023

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